Conservation Tips & FAQs
If the oil burner fails to operate:
- Be sure that the oil burner switch is on.
- The thermostat should be set above room temperature.
- Make sure that there is oil in the tank.
- Press the reset button on relay only once.
- Check to see if flame comes on.
- If the burner does not run at all, check for a blown or loose fuse.
If the burner still fails to operate
call for service.
Q: The Service Technician advised me NOT to turn my boiler off in the summer, but I really want the savings, why shouldn't I turn it off?
A: During these tough financial times, we are all looking for ways to save money and conserve energy; however, turning your hot water or steam boiler off for the summer is not the way to do that as this can cause water leaks.
When you turn your boiler off completely, you may decrease the life expectancy of your boiler. Throughout the summer months, when none of your heat zones are calling for heat, the boiler will turn on and off only to maintain the temperature within the boiler itself. The amount of fuel used is negligible.
Additionally, by shutting the boiler down, you are giving soot and scale a chance to build up in the boiler and chimney base which presents potential problems when you fire it up in the fall on that first chilly night. There are far better conservation measures you can take that will enhance your savings. Warm air furnaces can be shut off during the summer months.
Q: If I go away, at what temperature should I leave my thermostat?
A: Winter, spring, summer, or fall, we advise never to leave your home unattended; in fact, some homeowner policies have restrictions regarding vacant and unattended homes as well. Assuming you have someone entering and checking on your house at least twice a day, we recommend not leaving the thermostat set below 60 degrees. Make sure to have your "house sitter" check the basement for water leaks or smells. There are applications available through your home security system that monitor the heat and can alert both you and us of potential problems.
Q: When is the best time to schedule my boiler tune-up?
A: Boiler maintenance can be and is done 12 months of the year, and there is no "better" time to have it done. We would like to see most of the maintenance scheduled in the spring or summer months to accommodate busy schedules. Naturally, during the heating season, emergency service takes precedence, and it is difficult to predict what any one day may bring. Please call our service department to schedule your boiler maintenance!
Q: How do I know it is time to call for service?
A: We all know to call for service when our heat goes off, or we have no hot water, but all too often we hear customers say "this has been going on for a few weeks, should I have called then?"
The answer is, YES! An issue that could have been nipped in the bud earlier can be a real problem later. First and foremost, HIRSCH Fuels, Inc. is a full service oil company, and we sincerely hope you will call us whenever you have any heating questions or problems. We pride ourselves on our excellent reputation for customer service, and all of our customer service representatives will listen carefully to your questions and advise you what the next course of action should be.
Customer satisfaction is our common goal. Please feel free to call for service anytime you see or smell oil, have a water leak, see or smell soot or smoke, have to hit the reset button more than one time during any given week, hear an unusual noise, or to schedule your annual preventative maintenance. Remember, an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure.
Conservation Tips
Basic things you can do to save energy:
- Get Your Heating System Serviced Yearly for Optimum Efficiency
- Wash Clothes in Cold Water
- Lower Your Thermostat When You Are Not Home or When Retiring At Night
- Take Shorter Showers
- Close Fireplace Damper When Not in Use
- Don't Turn Your Heat On With Your Windows & Doors Open
- Don't Block Heating Baseboards, Radiators & Warm Air Ducts With Drapes, Curtains, or Furniture
- Known As Passive Solar, In the Winter Months, Open Your Curtains &/or Blinds to Let the Warmth of the Sunshine in
- Install Weather Stripping & Caulk Windows & Doors
- Make Sure Heating Baseboards Are Free Of All Dust & Lint
Small investments with big returns:
- Install Programmable Thermostats
- Replace Drafty Windows & Doors
- Make Sure That Your House & Attic Are Properly Insulated
- Install Energy Saving Devices, Such As Heat Managers or Outdoor Reset Controls
- Replace Warm Air Filters Periodically
- Install a Fireplace Damper if it is Broken or Not Operable
- Install a New High-Efficiency Oil Burner, Boiler, or Furnace